ncor labs

We are a startup specialized in AIOps, IT monitoring and observability technologies.

We monitor and automate, from our worldwide Cloud platform, your IT infrastructures and services.

Our standard offer, based on a “pay as you grow” pricing model, includes a full assistance to the customization of your monitoring and automation portals without additional cost.

We support all technologies and provide you a ready monitoring and automation secured platform with standard rules, thresholds and interactions with monitored components based on official recommendations and best practices.

Our worldwide monitoring platform (fdmon cloud) is based on the fdmon solution (Fast Deployment Monitoring) designed especially for the cloud and mission critical needs. A monitoring platform built from fdmon is, by design, 100% available and infinitely scalable.

Customers can choose where their monitoring data will be hosted and processed. For those who cannot migrate their monitoring process to a public Cloud, we setup a private cloud or provide the “on-premise” version of our monitoring platform.

Specific Monitoring Implementations

Our research and development activity consists in implementing the most appropriate monitoring and observability solution for your specific needs, technologies or applications, even in the most proprietary environments.

We can also assist you on your own monitoring platform and keep it by using our solution as a monitoring and automation federation platform.

IT Infrastructures Compliance, Capacity & Performance Audits

We deploy remotely our monitoring solution for your data-centers or cloud infrastructures during a limited period. We collect securely components metrics and determine risks, performance bottlenecks, capacity forecasts, lacks of conformity and improvement points.

Audits of your IT ecosystem can be triggered immediately since they dont require any agent on your servers or equipment. We can deploy instantly a specific and targeted automated task force to solve a performance, a stability or a compliance issue.

Collected data are erased once the audit complete.